How It Works - Chris Lonsberry Media

Chris Lonsberry Media Chris Lonsberry Media

How It Works

First, you book your session. (See the button on the top of every page).

On the day of your session, you’ll come into the studio. I like to talk to people a little bit before the session to get to know them a little bit, make sure I know what they’re looking for from their headshots and, hopefully, put them at ease. Even though we want great headshots, I want to get there while keeping the shoot itself pretty relaxed. And, honestly, there’s no reason to stress. I know what I’m doing and you’ve been you for your whole life. We got this!

If we arranged for a makeup and/or hair artist, we’ll do that. Then you get into the lights.

I’ll coach you through various expressions and positions to get some different angles and faces. To be honest, my biggest goal besides great headshots is to make you forget there’s a camera in front of you and so you can just be you. We may change up the lighting to get a different look. We’ll shoot with different outfits if you brought them. If there’s anything that needs to be unwrinkled or hair that needs to be tucked down, I’ll let you know so you don’t have to worry about whether or not everything’s perfect. That’s my job… or.. part of it.

At times throughout the session, I may invite you to look at the photos we’re getting. I find this is where most people get more comfortable. I’ve had numerous people say, “Wow! I look amazing and that’s not even retouched!”. When they get back in front of the camera, they know they look great.

Once we feel like we’ve gotten more than enough great photos, we’ll sit down and go through them all to narrow down your favorites and select the pictures you want to purchase. Once we’ve settled in on which pictures you want to purchase, the balance of the session fee (if any) and the cost for the purchased photos is due. Your selected photos will be lovingly retouched and sent to you. (Changes can be requested if needed). That usually happens within a week.

The final step is where you send your great headshots everywhere you want them and people tell you how amazing you look and/or you get that job you wanted.

Question: “Do I have to select my photos after the shoot? Can you just put them in a proofing gallery and let me pick them later?”
Answer: There are instances when I’m shooting corporate headshots or when agents need to review the images when I’ll go this. But, generally, it’s better to pick them after the session when I can help you with any consultation you may need. Additionally, photos that aren’t purchased are deleted after the session. Lastly, I’ve found that the proofing gallery is a somewhat awkward process and requires a lot more activity/follow-up from the client. I want to make this whole thing as easy as possible for you.

Question: “Can you send me all the pictures you took? They don’t need to be retouched.”
Answer: While retouching is part of the final photograph, it’s not the only thing you’re paying for. You are paying for the photo itself and any retouching is an added value. So, I’m afraid I can’t just send you ALL the pictures.

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